a blue sky with white clouds

American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation Grant Program

The American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation, Inc builds on our long-standing commitment and support of communities we serve by offering unrestricted, general operating grants to eligible non-profit 501(c)(3) partners.

Granting Process

Our approach to grantmaking is evolving. We are committed to using trust-based values to create meaningful, impactful relationships and reduce the inherent power imbalances of the traditional funding model. Like many of our community partners, we are also committed to learning, listening, and changing through collaboration and trust.

The Dreams Foundation grant funding priorities are Academic Achievement and Education, Healthy Youth Development, Economic Opportunity, and Community Resiliency (formerly Basic Needs). These priorities align with our organizational efforts to invest in and improve the communities where we live and serve.
a man sitting on a bench with a laptop

Grant Program

American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation hosts one grant cycle per year and utilizes a single-step process which includes an open call for applications in March. Organizations may submit an online application to initiate the grant process. All organizations will be notified of their status by email. Non-profit organizations are only permitted to submit one application per year.


If you have any questions regarding our grant program, please contact us at afidreamsfoundation@amfam.com

Submission Deadlines

With limited funds, the process is highly competitive, and we are only able to support a small portion of the total number of grant requests received. Please note, the average grant award is $5,000-$10,000.

March 15, 2023

Our grant portal opens

April 14, 2023

At 5 p.m. CST, all applications are due


Application status notifications and next steps (if any)

Early June

Grant award notification and disbursement

Grant Priorities

We encourage you to review our specific giving priorities, timelines, and instructions before starting your submission.
a person smiling while using a laptop

Academic Achievement and Education

Programs and services that advance educational equity in learning and academic achievement through access to high quality education. Our grant making focus includes wrap-around educational programming from birth through college with an emphasis on the following:
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Academic Support and achievement
  • Reading and literacy
a family reading a book

Healthy Youth Development

Programs and services that support the ongoing needs of young people from birth through 25 including:
  • Social-emotional learning
  • Mental and behavioral health
  • Reducing mental health stigma and discrimination
a person working on the laptop

Economic Opportunity

Programs and services that increase employment access and opportunity, including:
  • Job training
  • Financial literacy
  • Workforce and career readiness
  • Reading and literacy

Community Resiliency

Formerly our Basic Needs giving priority, these are programs and services that remove barriers to short and/or long-term needs of individuals and families. Specific areas of grantmaking include:
  • Food Security through foodbanks and pantries, community gardens, and sustainable food sources
  • Housing via emergency shelter, and transitional/long term stable housing
  • Transportation and Daycare to pursue education and/or maintain employment
a couple of children sitting on a bench

Communities of Focus

Within our grant priorities, the Foundation places an emphasis on supporting organizations that work with individuals and communities that include:
  • Economically disadvantaged
  • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
  • Youth (birth through 25) and young families

Additionally, we have an emphasis on funding organizations and programming that offers educational or workforce opportunities for individuals who are currently incarcerated, justice involved or returning citizens experiencing re-entry into their community.

Grant Eligibility and Application

a couple of women holding a dog

Grant Eligibility

An organization must have current tax-exempt status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and be located and offer programming in one of our 19 operating states (AZ, CO, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, MN, MO, NV, NE, OH, OR, ND, SD, WA, WI or UT).

The Dreams Foundation grant funding is unable to support:
  • Individuals
  • Fundraising events and sponsorships
  • Memorial grants
  • Places of worship
  • Scouting groups
  • Lobbying, political or fraternal activities
  • 501c3 organizations outside of our 19 operating states
a man holding a cup

Grant Application

All applications must be submitted through the grant portal to be considered.

A list of our 2021 community partners and grantees can be found here.

Questions about our grant program can be sent to idreamsfoundation@amfam.com.

American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation Grant FAQs